We have compiled all the necessary information about Houston's Auto Services situated in Easley, including its address, contact person, email address, and website, on this page. The enterprise holds a 4.7 rating of excellence. This firm is considered a relatively small employer, with 3 employees. The opening times are listed, but to be sure, check the details on the website.
- Company Name:Houston's Auto ServicesState:South CarolinaCounty:Pickens CountyCity:EasleyStreet:4200 Calhoun Memorial HwyZIP:29640Branche:Automobile Repairing & ServicesEmployee:3Salesvol:345,000.00
- Office Hours:Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Wednesday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Thursday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Friday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Saturday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
4200 Calhoun Memorial Hwy, Easley, SC 29640
The phone numbers listed here can be used to get in touch with Mike Houston, of Houston's Auto Services for inquiries regarding Houston's Auto Services, or you can find the relevant contact information on Houston's Auto Services's homepage. A vast number of businesses similar to this one exist in the surrounding area. Use "My Route" to determine the quickest route to Houston's Auto Services at 4200 Calhoun Memorial Hwy in Easley.
Houston's Auto Services is available for direct inquiries and Mike Houston, , will be happy to assist. A good number of clients have already assessed Houston's Auto Services.
If you are calling from outside Pickens County, use the international phone number (864) 269-2555 for inquiries about Houston's Auto Services. Mike Houston, of Houston's Auto Services, or another representative will be available to answer your questions. Houston's Auto Services's 4.7 rating is above the norm when compared to other similar organizations.
The establishment is situated in an area with low commercial activity. Your business from the Automobile Repairing & Services industry in Easley or any other region in Pickens County can be added to this page by using the [Add company] option from the menu.